the mind spot


We provide individual psychological sessions that focus on guiding individuals to reach their full potential. Our experienced psychologists are able to provide comprehensive behaviour, social, emotional, sensory, academic and diagnostic assessments and are trained to deliver evidence-based and best practice therapeutic interventions across the lifespan.

Therapy approaches include (but are not limited to):
- Neuro-divergent Affirming therapeutic approaches
- Motivational Interviewing (MI)
- Behaviour Therapy (Behaviour change on your terms)
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
- Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Family Therapy
- Attachment-based therapies and
- Play Therapy

Your Psychologist will discuss the best approach to meet your needs.

Early Intervention and Therapy Services

The Mind Spot provides early childhood intervention services and ongoing therapy services across the lifespan for Autistic individuals and other developmental disabilities. We provide therapy at any age, as we believe that the brain never stops learning, we just have to find the right tools to make that possible.

All intervention services are guided by our training and belief in the Relationship Development Intervention (RDI®) approach to developmental differences. RDI® is a unique parent-based intervention program that aims to improve the quality of life in autistic individuals and other developmental conditions through empowering parents to guide their child's ability to think, problem solve, communicate and relate dynamically improving their ability to navigate the world in their own unique way. We help families embrace differences and grow.

RDI® guides parents to stimulate their child's motivation to seek out and succeed in reciprocal relationships by scaffolding everyday interactions to become opportunities for growth. Through guiding, parents learn to develop motivation, communication, emotional regulation, flexible thinking, creative problem solving and more.

RDI® is a best practice approach for Autism (Prior, Roberts, Rodger, Williams & Sutherland, 2011) as it does not encourage 'masking' via out-dated measures such as scripted conversations or rehearsed behaviours. The RDI® model allows for neuro-cognitive changes to occur over time that provide the individual with the skills needed to navigate life’s challenges on their own. By developing this capacity for dynamic thinking, we open the door to the possibility of a greater quality of life. We want every Autistic individual to thrive and be happy within themselves. Our role is to assist families to unlock their childs potential and grow a happy life.

Specialist Behaviour Support

We provide extensive training to families, support workers and organisations on:

Understanding an individuals disability and why behaviours occur
The power of Neuro-divergent Affirming approches to support
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Verbal De-Escalation
Emergency response training
Providing support without restraint
Practical ways to reduce restrictive practices

We aim to understand the reasons for behaviour so that we can develop a comprehensive plan that assists the individual to develop the skills they require to improve their functioning and reduce behaviours of concern.

- Behavioural Observations
- File reviews
- Comprehensive Functional Behaviour Assessments (FBA)
- Behaviour Assessment report
- Behaviour Data tracking
- Data analysis
- Practical and effective PBS strategies
- Behaviour Support Plan (BSP)
- Crisis intervention support
- Verbal de-escalation
- Safety plans
- Non-Aversive Reactive Strategies
- Low arrousal approaches
- Resources to implement the BSP

The Mind Spot is an NDIS registered provider who provides Neuro-Divergent Affirming Support to navigate behaviours that impact an individuals quality of life. We provide Specialised Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) that aims to provide individualised and practical support to decrease the intensity and frequency of behaviours of concern that can be difficult to navigate.

The Mind Spot aims to provide intensive behaviour support that includes:

Therapy Assistants and Support Workers

The Mind Spot provides allied health assistants, therapy assistants and support workers to assist individuals to meet their therapeutic goals.

Our therapy assistants and support workers consist of university students working towards their allied health qualifications, provisional psychologists, individuals with Cert III or IV qualifications in Disability/integration aide support/early childhood education, peer mentors and parent mentors who are dedicated to making a real difference.

Our Therapy Assistants and Support Workers receive monthly training in relationship based approaches to intervention and positive behaviour support strategies so that they are able to provide individuals with the essential supports they require. 

Support Groups & Social Connections

We offer a wide variety of support groups and social opportunities that include:

Social Connections (Dyads):
We provide opportunities for neurodivergent (ND) children to connect with like minded peers in dyads (2) to explore and develop social and dynamic thinking and communication skills that may be tricky within everyday social interactions. We focus on guiding the development of skills that the child needs to thrive and successfully connect with the peers that are important to them without masking their individuality. When a dyad team is ready, we may combine similarly matched dyads to explore team work and build problem solving skills.

Kinder: (4-6 years)
Junior primary: (5-7 years)
Middle primary: (8-10 years)
Pre teens: (10-12 years)

Siblings unite:
We understand the complexities of being a sibling to a brother or sister with special needs and provide regular siblings unite groups to give siblings a chance to connect with others and celebrate their sibling awesomeness. 

Autism Parent Connect:
Our parent support groups are parent lead and designed to give parents the opportunities to develop a strong network of support through connection and shared knowledge.

Pink Pineapples:
Peer Support for Neuro-divergent girls and young women to share, embrace and rock their individuality. We guide neurodivergent individuals to discover their strengths and connect through special interests. 

Neuro-divergent Peer Connect: (youth/adults/parents)
We provide opportunities for all of our neuro-divergent individuals to connect with other like-minded individuals to share interests, organise community meet ups and potentially make new friendships.

All of our support groups and Dyads are facilitated by a member from The Mind Spot team or from a peer or parent mentor who has a wealth of knowledge to share.

Please contact us to find out more!